Nitzanim Family Events - Fall 2021
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 (September 8th, 10:00am-noon) In person at an apple orchard--exact location TBD Experience the sweetness of the new year in community with apple trees and bees
Yom Kippur (September 16th, 10:00am-noon) In person, location TBD. Living Torah: What do goats have to teach us about release?
Shabbat (October 22nd, 5:30-7:30 pm) In person, location TBD. Shabbat and Shmita--Connection with land and rest.
Hanukkah Party (November 29th, 5:00-7:00pm) In person at Ner Shalom 85 La Plaza, Cotati, CA 94931.
We gather in light and latkes as the nights grow longer. Bring a picnic dinner as well as your family's menorah and candles.
Shabbat Morning (December 11th, 10:00 am - noon) Gather in person at Crane Creek Regional park. Optional picnic lunch after the program. What does the marking of transitions do for us in time and space? What are daily, weekly, monthly, yearly transitions you and your family mark?