Elul: Seeds of Becoming

By Ner Shalom (other events)

4 Dates Through Sep 09, 2022

What Seeds are you planting for the New Year?
Preparing for the High Holidays during Elul.

Seeds of Becoming: In this past year of Shmitah, we have allowed the ground to lie fallow. As we approach the New Year, we open to a new manifestation of Creation. What seeds might we be readying to plant? How will we prepare the ground? What outer coverings have to be broken for the new seed to emerge? What nourishment will it receive from the soil and compost of our experience? Of our community?  What will sprout in the New Year? What will nourish us and each other in these uncertain times?

These questions and more will be explored by four of our congregation's teachers, who each bring their unique knowledge and view to an exploration about the meaning for each of us at this time of reflection and preparation for the High Holidays. Join Reb Judith Goleman, Basha Hirschfeld, Gesher Calmenson, and Shoshana Fershtman in conversation about what is required of us as we approach the New Year.

August 15 with Judith Goleman
What obstacles do we face, what shells need to be cracked, for the new seedlings to emerge?

August 22 with Basha Hirschfeld
How do the ideas of who we think we are prevent us from taking the leap into the unknown?

August 29 with Gesher Calmensen
How can the qualities inherent in the tree of life become manifest in a personal way?

September 9 with Shoshana Fershtman
How does understanding bring transformation? How can the Shechinah become manifest in the world in the New Year?

Ner Shalom

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85 La Plaza Cotati, CA 94931